Aspects of a Work in Progress

Our interest in visualizing networks has progressed even as we left some of the dreams here unrealized. On this page we return to apply recent graph browsing technology as a test of the new thing with some possible benefit to old ideas.

# Waypoints

We will consider three aspects of the model, each of which come together to be an object of study.

Routing is managed by having a small number of zones, each divided into a small number of regions which themselves have a small number of repeater stations. Thus each station is identified by three numbers, one each for zone, region and station.

The initial analysis consisted of time series recordings of critical parameters such as queue lengths and delivery times as well as scatter charts of ratios of interest. page

We anticipate Tilt-Five's AR glasses will offer a superior viewing and interactive experience for any complex engineering model. Here we present a sequence of scripts we've built to explore this opportunity.

We imagine diagrams retrieved and aligned in 3d based on features they share. These provide portals through which attention and decorations can travel.

We can come to an operational understanding of complex systems by watching how their parts work together and how they respond to our actions that either confirm our own model or demand its revision.

A web application allows us to collect and query diagrams that are united by metadata marked upon them. We've drawn diagrams explaining how this works. Here we turn the tool upon itself.

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