Home from Boston

In an effort to imagine how a collection of diagrams can be stitched together we recall all of the route finding required to get home from a week of work in Boston.

We consider airline routes, transit maps, street maps and building plans. Each of these are drawn to an appropriate scale and printed or posted for the traveler. We omit aircraft taxi patterns that are the pilot's concern.


Cambridge street map showing walk from office to Kendall metro station. map

Boston metro map showing Red Line stations passed on way to South Station transfer. map

Transfer station plan showing escalator and tunnels required to get between B1 and B2 metro lines. map

Boston metro map showing Silver Line stations passed on way to airport. map

Airport transportation map showing shuttle route from metro station to terminal building. (Confusing water taxi?)

Terminal building plan showing walk from checkin to departure gate. map

Airline route map showing flight from Boston to Chicago.

Chicago airport plan showing walking route through tunnel and moving walkway between gates.

Airline route map showing flight from Chicago to Portland.

Portland airport plan showing walking route from gate to MAX light-rail station.

Portland metro map showing rail stops between airport and underground Zoo station.

Zoo station plan showing west-bound tunnel and elevator alternatives to agreed parking lot.

Portland street map showing spouse's route driving me home from the Zoo station.