Metadata Editor

This interactive editor dynamically loads diagrams as images and metadata about each diagram as json. This requires some coordination to get the right files at the right time. See Metadata Workflow

Interactive events are white.

digraph { node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=bisque] restore -> gotohash -> refresh restore -> setscale refresh -> showimage -> getimage refresh -> showdot -> expose refresh -> current -> getmetadata current -> setscale showdot -> image2screen screen2image saveit -> refresh saveit -> screen2image deleteit -> refresh node [fillcolor=white] "window\nonhashchange" -> gotohash "metadata\ndownload\nerase" -> refresh "metadata\nonclick" -> refresh "search\nkeyup\nmouseover\nclick" -> refresh "draw\nonclick" -> refresh "draw\nonclick" -> screen2image "dot\nonclick" -> "describe\nclose" -> refresh "describe\nclose" -> saveit -> deleteit "describe\nclose" -> deleteit "window\nresize" -> image2screen node [shape=oval fillcolor=lightgreen] index -> restore json -> getmetadata "png" -> getimage }